Wednesday, March 5, 2008

President Bush Endorses John McCain

Question to discuss:

Will President Bush's endorsement help or hurt John McCain's bid to become the next President? Why?


Anonymous said...

Comment by: John Gordon
I do not think it will change how people feel about McCain since Bush had endorsed him. This will probably give those few die hard republicans someone to vote for. If Bush likes McCain then those people may also like him. Plus, McCain has all the other votes to get him into the general election for president. Those people will most likely stay with him and not change even if Bush endorses him.

beth said...

I also don't think that Bush will help him because most of the people have already made there minds up.

Anonymous said...

Bonjour, Mrs. Stotler! I think that Bush will do both, actually, if that makes since. Endorsing McCain could make people who voted with Bush and respect him want to vote for someone Bush was supporting and respected. On the other hand, if the voters do not support Bush, and only see what Bush stands for, and not McCain, they will not vote for McCain because of Bush being behind him all the way.
~H. Baker

Ms. Stotler said...

Beth, you're right that many partisans (Republicans and Democrats) have made their minds up, but what about independent voters who are still undecided? How will the Bush endorsement affect them?

Anonymous said...

From Anthony Bellissimo

Gag me with a pitchfork please. If John McCain wants to get endorsements he better start with a popular Hispanic female talk show host (to help balance out Oprah’s endorsement of Obama) or a comedian on SNL. Bush does nothing to help McCain’s image with his support and certainly does not help with the conservatives that Bush seems to have alienated. Maybe he can get the endorsement of the vice president and go on a hunting trip to get the gun lobby support. Be sure to duck when the vice president shoots and be sure to duck out if the president wants to go on the campaign trail with you Senator McCain.

Ms. Stotler said...

But most conservative Republicans still have a pretty favorable opinion of the President. Won't McCain get some assistance from the Prez with these folks? Or is it more beneficial for him to court the undecideds in the center, and say, "George who?"

Anonymous said...

Check the following to see if Bush really has strong support from conservatives. Maybe conservatives just don't have much of a choice. If that is the case, McCain needs to go after the undecided center.

Anonymous said...

PS that was Anthony who posted to check out the sites

Chez said...

I'm a former BSHS teacher and I just felt the need to respond. I have a class blog too and love it.

One of the interesting points that we are seeing in the Charleston newspapers currently is that people who are definitively Rep or Dem are pretty secure as to where they are pledging their support, even with as tight as the race is between Clinton and Obama. What is interesting is how it may affect those politicians that are up for re-election themselves and how it could potentially influence their campaigns. Recently in the Gazette, there was an editorial written by a man who previously had been a very loyal supporter of J. Rock. Now that Rock has publically granted his support to Obama, the voter, a Clinton supporter, is witholding the Rock vote during the Senate race. It is all quite interesting.

Thanks for letting me respond!

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, President Bush's endorsement will help John McCain's bid to become the next President. Since McCain is viewed as a more liberal Republican, President Bush's endorsement will help McCain get the votes of the more conservative Republicans. If Bush’s supporters see that he has approved of John McCain, they will be more inclined to approve of McCain as well.
-Katie Close

Emily said...

For the far-reaching right-wing section of the population, President Bush's endorsement will help McCain, since he's been billed as a somewhat-liberal Republican. For the general electorate, I think the president's endorsement won't do much to improve McCain's popularity. If the president's approval ratings are still in the gutter, what does that say about the candidate he endorses?

Anonymous said...

President Bush is obviusly not Americas favorite man right now but anyone who has held the office of president deserves respect. All in all i dont see Bush's endorsement of Mccain swaying voters one way or the other. American voters are going to think for themselves no matter what, but an educated voter will know to take all points into consideration and they will make their own choice. Ever since George Washington took office and began running our country the brightest men of the time have sat in the oval office and dealt with the issues. Bush is one of those 43 men and as I said before his opinion must be respected.

Anonymous said...