Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Could you live to be 100?

SUMMER PROJECT: Life expectancy for Americans has been rising steadily, but it's still lower than that of at least 30 other countries. Read the article at

and then add your thoughts on the following questions:

Why might the life expectancy for Americans be lower than that of 30 other countries?

Are there any down sides to the fact that Americans are generally living longer? If so, what?

What might account for the differences in life expectancy between men and women?


Anonymous said...

Bonjour, Mrs. Stotler! Life expectancy in America can be lower than other countries because I think we eat too much, and there are too many diseases going around that are sexually transmitted, or heritiary that we won't or can't help getting. We also take stuff for granted, we have food that we can afford, so we eat it. We don't have to walk a mile to go to school, so we don't walk, some of us live in cities where the air is polluted, and it catches up with us. We start smoking and drinking at earlier ages, and some of us don't make the right decisions, since life, in itself, is a huge risk. Well, I hate to say it, but a downside would be a larger population from people living longer, and if people think they have all the time in the world to live, they just might NOT live. Men and women...well, I don't see at the moment why it should be different, since childbirth can be controlled and maintained, and manual labor isn't that life-threatening anymore. I guess it would depend on their history, and if they are prone to certain diseases and such.
~H. Baker

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs. Stotler, I've talked about this issure A LOT, so when I saw blog, I knew I had to respond. One of the people I've discussed this with is my boyfriend's father- who is a Norwegian citizen. Norway has the highest standard of living (as far as I know) and a high life expectancy rate. What Americans need to realize is how DIFFERENT we are. For example, when we get hungry- we eat a Big Mac; when Norwegians or other Scandinavians get hungry- they eat fish thats not loaded with carbs, cholesterol, or salt. Americans also have a VERY high population and a central government thats not exactly on the top of it's game. The American government doesn't know how to manage this many people without cutting off social security and so on. However- over in Norway, they have free healthcare and social security that covers pretty much EVERYTHING. Now keep in mind- Norway has a population of 4.7 million VS. America's 304 million. Gee, wonder why Norway has it easy. Anyways, the conclusion I'm trying to make is that America's government is being stretched thin, and as we live longer- even thinner. This is leading to social security drawbacks and an unhealthy population in general. And I don't think we as individuals can make a difference in anyone's life but our own.

-E. Yarrington

Emily. said...

I forgot to mention the female-male thing in my last post. In human evolution the make was always put in more danger and ran off of adrenaline and testosterone, so I think men are still KINDA like that and are worn to thin and just.. die earlier.

Anonymous said...

I personally do not want to live to 100 because it would become a burden on my family. The terrible smell of a nursing home and uncontrolled bodily functions don't seem like much fun either. I think that we live so much shorter lives is that our lifestyles don't allow for long living. We eat fast food, drive polluting cars, refuse to exercise, smoke cigarettes, have a couple drinks too often, and refuse to exercise more. The downsides to Americans living longer are that most of them run out of money, and hence go on medicaid (and I have to pay for that), they are draining the social security bank for my generation, and their bodies give out before their lives do, leaving them in pain that no doctor can fix. I

Anonymous said...

I think everyone has pretty much summed it up so far. We, Americans, treat our bodies like amusement parks, for the most part. If everyone would exhibit just a little self-control, we could increase our life expectancy to that of our European counterparts. Our eating, drinking, and smoking habits are very literally killing us. And when it comes to health, we can't plead ignorance anymore. With TV shows like "The Biggest Loser" and advertisements about the risks of smoking, generally everyone knows how unhealthy these habits are, yet we still don't stop.

As for the difference in life expectancy between men and women, it's kind of a mystery. I suppose one explanation could be because men still do the majority of the rougher or more physical jobs that are harder on the human body such as policemen, firemen, and construction laborers.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure everybody is going to say about the same thing on this subject. The reason life expectancy in America is lower than many other countries is the lifestyle we have adapted to. From the way we eat, like fast food restaurants and snacks. These aren't suppose to be apart of everyday meals only every once in a while. Americans also don't exercise like they should. Its because of the technology we have today. We are lazy. We rather watch TV, play video game, or play on the computer. All those sound more fun than running. The only differnece I see between men and women are men do most of the harder and physically demanding jobs. Yet, women have to give birth which is demanding so I don't know what the differnece is.
Joshua wise

Anonymous said...

The U.S. probably has a lower life expectancy because of the way we live our lives. Many families eat at fast food restaurants 3-4 times a week, many people don't get the exercise they need because they're jobs require them to do so much, so fast, and they're stressed. These factors definitly don't help the U.S. citizens live longer. The citizens that do live longer probably don't have the easiest time doing it. Most are probably on a fixed income and the rising prices of food and the medicines they may need isn't being added into their income. They have to cut back on what they get and it's just making life harder for them. As for the difference between men and women, I don't really know what could be the cause for the difference. Family history is really a big factor and I guess that could have an impact on the genders.

Anonymous said...

... The article wouldn't come up, so I guess I will reply in my own lil way.. I think they should have an article on "Should you live to be 100?" Its strange to me why anyone would want to, I mean if could live with a great value life to 100 then sure.. but you figure the age that you get grey hair, wrinkles, and other old age marks is arealdy enough to scare a young person. You also have to take in mind your family history of disease and body deterioration (easily broken bones, heart attacks, arthritis and such) would it really be worth living to 100? I see how some have responded with why we don't live as long in America, and I think that if the reason we die sooner is because we live like we want to then we shouldn't complain. The only way people will change is if they have some proven gaurantee that they can live to be 100 without any pains and without a lower life value.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Miss stotler wrong article!!!
Life expectancy is becoming a big issue because is slowly deacreasing. Most countries live of of lots of pure protein and fruits and vegatables. We on the other hand Live of of processed, high calorie foods. Americans are a very unhealthy culture because of the obeisity epidemic and all this fake and bake stuff were we kill our skin and mwaybe even our selves. I think that if, as a people we started thinking of the future instead of the present we'd be alot better off.

Unknown said...

People can live to be 100 obviously, but it seems like the government is trying to keep us from living longer. Did you know they just took a certain vitamin that keeps you healthy off the market, because too many people are healthy in America. That is really messed up. Plus, most people in America can't even afford to stay alive because of health care. My mom is a breast cancer patient, and she has a really hard time affording all of her treatments. The people say if she doesn't have these treatments she could die in three years. So unless you have some type of money, you really can't live to be 100....

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mark, as well as everyone else. We dont take care of our bodieslike we should. Many of Americans are becoming more obese as the years go on. Also, more and more Americans are starting to get sick, simply because they dont wash their hands or, they do wash them and then go to open the bathroom door after someone that didnt wash their hands. Germs are everywhere thats why its so important to stay healthy and it will result in a longer life span.
