On June 4, President Obama made a speech at Cairo University in Egypt that was televised in many parts of the Islamic world (except Iran which blocked satellite transmission of the speech).
Click here to read a commentary on the president's speech, and then respond to one or more of the following prompts:
What do you think President Obama was trying to achieve in making his speech in Cairo?
Perform an internet search for the author of this article, Arsalan Iftikhar, and comment on how his background might impact his point of view in this article.
Do you agree with Arsalan Iftikhar's analysis of the president's speech? Why or why not?
The author of the commentary points out that "President Obama concluded his remarkable Cairo address by highlighting the individual mandates for peace in each of the major Abrahamic religions". Why do you think the president may have chosen to do this? Do you think it's appropriate that he did so? Why or why not?
Why do you think would Iran block the transmission of the speech so that Iranian's couldn't watch it?
Study the cartoon on this post. Who are the people in it? What's up with the big ears? Why do some of the people look happy and some of the people look grumpy, and how is that related to age and gender? What is the cartoonist trying to say?
What do you think President Obama was trying to achieve in making his speech in Cairo?
I think President Obama was trying to appease the Muslim nations by offering to help plan, rebuild, and develop their economy as a whole.
With communication through use of quotes from their own bible, he provided explanation to our attempt at peace.
Using quotes from the Quran and the Talmud, one even from the heart of our very nation the Holy Bible, he foretold that we have been sent to earth to make 'nations and tribes so that we may know one another' and 'promote peace.'
He insinuated that God's vision is peace and it is our job as sons of God to carry it out.
By making this speech in Cairo he hoped to broadcast throughout the Middle East the United States amicable intentions against their people despite the war.
It was in his interest to leave the continent with Muslims ideas and feelings for America a little more positive. He wants the Middle East and the United States to form a treaty if not bring some sort of amity between the two nations some time in the near future. This speech in Cairo was one of his many first steps in seeking this peace he speaks of.
Good thoughts, Jessica. (By the way, which Jessica is this, so I can give you credit for your post?)
I am interested in your use of the word appease in your second paragraph. According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary (http://www.m-w.com), to appease could mean "to bring to a state of peace or quiet", but it also could mean "to buy off (an aggressor) by concessions usually at the sacrifice of principles". Which one more closely matches what you meant to say?
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