OK, Rex Truax, this one's for you: you wanted controversial issues, you got it.
Historically, women were not permitted to serve in combat roles in the U.S. military. However, that seems to be changing with our experience in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Click here to read a New York Times article about this issue; then respond in writing to one or more of the following questions:
Why do you think women in the U.S. have not been allowed to serve in combat roles? What has changed, if anything, that makes a change in this policy possible?
In your opinion, should women be permitted to serve in combat roles? Be sure to explain WHY or WHY NOT.
Should American public opinion play a role in determining whether women should serve in combat roles? (The article will tell you how Americans do feel about this issue.)
If the draft were ever reinstated in our country, should women be drafted, just as men are? Why or why not?
ooooo geez mrs.stotler...trying to start a fight like usual lol. Well I think women havn't been able to be in combat roles because men don't think we can handle it. Usually when people think of women they think of skirts, flowers,and other "girly" things. Well considering the events following from the 1920's till now, I think that change for this policy is possible. We had the Iron Jawed Angels.(Great movie lol) We've had Condoleezza Rice who served as Secretary of State. My point is, women are out there now. We aren't sitting in the house cooking and cleaning anymore! The 19th amendment says we have the right to vote. That means we are citizens of the United States of America. It means that we shouldn't be treated any lower than say a (legal) Mexican-American who wants to serve our country! It shouldn't matter what the public says about it either. We ARE Americans and if a woman is willing to serve in combat, she should! There will always be people out there that disagree with certain policies. That is one of our 1st amendment rights. If they want to petition us fighting, they can, but it shouldn't change that we should be treated equal to a male. If they did the draft again, women should have to serve next to any man or woman wether they be black, white, yellow, or polka dotted orange and green.
The roles of women in our society been drastically changing since 1920. As far as this issue is concerned, I feel that women have every right to be permitted to serve in combat roles and be active in the military. After all, do we not live in a democracy?
According to the article, the majority of military commanders, experts, the the American public feel this way as well.
"Poll numbers, however, show that a majority of the public supporters allowing women to do more on the battlefield. Fifty three percent of the respondents in a New York Times/CBS News poll in July said they would favor permitting women to join combat units, where they be directly involved in the ground fighting." -Women at Arms- G.I. Jane Breaks the Combat Barrier
"We literally could not have fought this war without women."- Dr. Nagl: president of the Center for a New American Security, a military research institution in Washington
The statistics are all there- and women are proving to be more valuable in the military than previously thought. The article states, "The number of high-ranking women and women who command all-male units has climbed considerably along with their status in the military" and also that women have gained confidence and trust in their male colleagues. My opinion is that as long as women can pass the physical and written tests to be involved in combat and other activities- they should be allowed that right. Even though Congress does not fully support this movement, the successful experiences of military women in Iraq should be taken into full consideration. Even though women are not directly allowed to fight in combat at the moment- they are earning medals of valor and honor.
The article also states that more than a dozen countries allow women in some or all ground combat occupations. Granted, one reason of this may be due so soldier shortage- but I am sure it is a slight reason. If the need for soldiers is there and there are women willing, by all means they should be given a chance.
Women have proven themselves worthy in the war In Iraq. I believe that retired lieutenant colonel Mr. Baumann says it best: " Debate it all you want folks, but the military is going to do what the military needs to do. And they are needing to put women in combat."
Ni hao again, Mrs. Stotler and thank you i find this one easy to fight. I think women should be allowed to serve in combat roles in the military. You know the "you can be whatever you want when you grow up" speech parents tell their children, I think that should be 100% true. Women should be able to do what men do and vise versa. I think that women should be able to serve in any position in the military that they want, but should earn it the same way that men do. Also if women want to serve in combat roles, I think they should because once a month they have a secret weapon and there is no way you can stop them then lol. But on a serious note women can do things that some men can't do, like fit into small areas, because most women are smaller than men. Just small things like fitting into smaller places could greatly impact the war. Women are just as usefull as men in just about anything, thats why I think they should be able to serve in any position they desire. Also they government is looking for more people to be in the military and I think that if they let women serve in more positions we would have more women troops. Which is also a good idea, because more troops the better. Also an idea that just sparked in my head if we have more troops the less the unemployment would be, not saying more women are unempolyed, im just saying in general. So that is why I think that women should be able to serve in not only combat roles but any role they wish.
As Ardath and Sabrina both stated, women have come leaps and bounds since the 1920's. The women's movement is continuing on even today with a woman running for President and a woman serving as Secretary of State. In respects to this article I believe that women should be allowed to serve in combat if they choose.
As stated in this article, the public believes that women should be allowed in combat. We do live in a democracy so what they say should count. If the draft were ever reinstated, women should not get drafted if they have children under a certain age. Women with young children should not be taken from them, but part of equal treatment would be getting drafted. As long as women are trained properly for combat there is no reason they should not be allowed to fight in it. Dr. Nagl statement says it all: " We literally could not have fought this war without women." This statement shows what a big part women have played in Afghanistan and Iraq, if they are already such a big part of the war why not have the opportunity to serve in combat.
In my opinion, women should definitely be allowed to serve in combat roles. As everyone else has stated, we do live in a democracy, and I think that entitles everyone in this country to the same rights and privileges. So if the men can do it, so can the women.
While the American public does agree with allowing women in combat, I don’t think public opinion should play a role in the decision. Ultimately, it’s up to the women serving. If the American public was against allowing women in combat, but a woman wanted to serve in combat, should she be denied simply because the rest of the population said no? On the other hand, just because the American public thinks women should be allowed in combat, I don’t think anyone should be forced to do so.
As far as reinstating the draft goes, I think both sides could be well argued. If women are going to push for the same rights as men (especially militarily), then it seems only fair that women be included in drafting as well. However, there are some situations that could complicate that idea. For instance, single mothers (or even mothers in general). I don’t think a woman should be forced to serve in the military and leave her children behind, especially if there's no one to take care of them while she's gone. And while some women are able to handle being so far from home, not everyone has that kind of mental and emotional capability. Then again, you could argue this point for fathers as well. I’m sure not every man in the country would want to just up and leave his family to go to war. So, I think it’s a very good thing our military is based on voluntary service and not forced action.
The article states that 53% of Americans polled believe women should be allowed to go to combat and take up combat roles. What percent of America has actually done that? About 13%. Do they know what actually takes place there? Why would anyone want their daughter to see and experience the horrors of war? I dont want my son to see the sights, smell the smells, or hear the noise that is war. These sights, smells and sounds are etched into your being for life. Unfortunately, there will always be wars to fight. There is a role for women in the military as is there a role for women in the "theatre of operation." Virginia Slims says, "You've come a long way baby!" Before you go to put another feather in your ERA cap, you had better think about what you are asking for.
Should women be permitted to serve in combat roles? Sure. The only difference between men and women serving in combat is their anatomy. Women who join the military and who fight in combat are there for the same reasons as men are, to fight for freedom, to fight for their country, etc. It is true that allowing women to serve in combat will change many things and add to the problems that already exist. However, that change would probably be no more different from ending slavery and allowing women and other races to vote.
- Brian Fairbrother
While reading the opening paragraphs of this article, that little rhyme popped into my head: "Anything boys can do girls can do better!" While this may not be completely accurate, I believe it is starting to gain some truth in the military.
I think that one of the reasons women have been restricted from being involved in combat is because until the last century, women were not seen as having multiple roles. Like Sabrina pointed out, women aren't just primarily cleaning, cooking, housekeeping beings! Women can be found at the some of the highest points in our society; taking jobs that require extreme intelligence. Just last year, our country came close to having its first female president. In the 21st century, a woman can be Mommy AND Neurosurgeon, Betty Crocker AND Congresswoman. So, why shouldn’t women be able to freely work their way up through the ranks in the military? Women have proved themselves with their leadership and intelligence, and now they are starting to prove the skills behind their desire to serve and protect the United States. For example, Ms. Alfaro, who received a Bronze Medal for valor for her actions in combat, while serving as a medic is just one of many women who has proven that she can be successful in military combat. If there are more American women like Alfaro who can do their already difficult jobs in the midst of gunfire with bravery and skill, they could be extremely valuable to our military. I think Representative John M. McHugh is exactly right when he says, “Women in uniform today are not just invaluable, they’re irreplaceable.” Women are proving more and more each day in Iraq that they have what it takes to be placed in combat. After all, if we are only encouraging 50% of our population to serve in combat in the military, are we really utilizing all the skill, talent, and strength our country has to offer?
I think women have not been allowed to fight in combat for a number of reasons. Our society has been a male lead one for years and it has only in this century begun to change. America is still young, which may explain why other older countries such as Israel have allowed women in their armed forces for years. I agree with Sabrina, there is a stereotype for women and it creates this image of the stay at home mom, or the damsel in distress, or what have you. These however are not the case, and never have been. Look at Joan of Arc! She was a peasant girl and still managed to lead the French army to several very important victories. I know a few stay at home dads, nowadays, so who is calling the kettle black? Of course i think women should be allowed to do anything men are allowed to do, and if it were the other way around and we lived in a society where men were thought to be frivolous fools (haha)and women the leaders I would say the same for men as for women, always. Equality is the key to reaching a more peaceful world and we have to start somewhere. I believe that it should be a right, not a matter of opinion. We have just as much to give to our country and gain from it. Why are we supposedly more valuable, just because we are a different gender. It takes two to tango, if thats the case and we cant have one without the other. I believe that anyone who wants to fight should be allowed whether they are gay, straight, male, female, black, white, etc. you get the picture. If the draft were reinstated, then yes, like i said before, equality is key. However, i dont believe that the draft should ever be allowed to be reinstated because it is morally wrong to force someone to die for their country if they dont want to do it.
On the note of why women were not allowed to serve, it is probably because noone though they could do it. Since the dawn of civilization, women were considered weak and feeble. All they were good for was house chores and taking care of the kids. In greek mythology, the society of the amazons (a people ruled by women) was an abomination. People have never given women a chance to do "tough, manly things." That is just how it was.
However, in modern day society, that is fading. since women were given suffrage, they have slowly shaken their weak reputation. Now they have their own jobs, they support their families, and they can live alone. Today's society has almost no prejudice against women, and that is the way it should be. They are just as capable and stong willed as men.
There is no doubt that women have already fought long and hard in the "battle" for equal rights and have accomplised much in the past hundred years. I also believe that if women feel capable and strong enough to enter military combat they should have the right to do so. Yet I also believe that as men and women are undeniably equal, men and women are by no means the same. I feel that the military best fits the role of men because they are naturaly more fit for the physical violence of war, but if a woman feels passionate enough she is just as capable as a man. But it is important to remember that women do not have to take up the same roles as men to be equal. Anyone serving in the our military (male or female) is a patriot in my opinion.
Why wouldn't America be ready for women in combat? We have played huge roles and have come leaps and bounds since the early 1900s. I definitely agree with Sabrina, Mary, and Chelsea. Our country is based off a democracy, we have the right to vote.. WE ARE CITIZENS! As a citizen of the USA, we have that right to serve our country. Its an honor. 53% of men in the United States support women going into combat, as well as 53% of women. We, as Americans, cannot discrimate against gender anymore. We live in the 21st century for pete's sake! Time for change. Women are willing to fight for this country, to take a stand, and whats considered a "man's job" then it proves that anything they (men) can do, we (women) can do better! :)
Do I believe that women should be allowed to fight in the great army of the US of A? It may come as a shock, but I do believe women have a right to serve in our military with *. Yes women have definitely bridged the gap from back in the day, and women are just as capable as men, another **. Women, who think differently and bring other skills to the table are good for a balanced military. As was quoted, "We literally could not have fought this war without women."- Dr. Nagl. Intelligence missons and medals of valor show for that. BUT...
To remove all barrs from certain jobs (special forces) is not very tactical. In all fairness, Men are much more physically capable. There is little doubt, with few exceptions, that men can out perform women in athletics. Physiologically, men are more well eqipped. Men do not have to deal with the monthly visit, nor the cramps beforehand. Women also have to worry about the chance of rape and pregnancy. On the frontlines or at sea for months, Men get lonely and sometimes resort to drastic measures to get their kicks. Then your left with a knocked up broad. I'm not saying women can't do this job, but there have to be limitations or its just futile. Can women lead our men into battle? Hell yeah! I'm all for it. It's about time women took on this role. But specific areas of battle require certain anatomy.
-Cory Yarrington
This topic is one of great importance to me. Being a female US soldier myself, I most definitely would agree that women should be allowed to serve their country next to males in combat. Today, a women's role in society is the same as a mans. Recently I have went through the experience of a lifetime at Basic Combat Training. I trained next to over 150 males and we were all treated the same. One drill sergeant told me "Do not let these males and drill sergeants see you as weak. Males have a pre-judgement that females are weak. You need to prove them wrong in order to make this army a working army." And that made me wonder, why do people think that women cannot do what males can do? Of course most females are going to be weaker then males because males obsess with body building and lifting weights, but that has nothing to do with bravery, selfless service, loyalty, and personal courage. I ended up being one of the top soldiers (not just of the females) in my company. I was stronger then some of the guys that I was training with. That right there goes to prove that woman can be just as worthy in the military as men. Also, people say that woman are more likely to quit and not make it through difficult situations. That is completely wrong as well. The first day, there were 3 males that quit; not one female quit the whole cycle of 10 weeks. They say that the woman's role in society has greatly increased. If anything the male has lost his high reigning role, but in the end it levels out making male and female equal in TODAY'S society. I want to fight for the rights and freedoms of my family, friends, and any US citizen because I feel that too many people take for granted what they can do. Now, when I see people doing what they like and saying how they feel, I know that because of the strong military that we have today with men and women, those people can have those freedoms. God Bless America & God Bless our Troops!!
wow, it seems there are many mis-guided young women in society...this isn't about women in the military, i think everyone agrees they belong, it is about COMBAT...it isnt basic training, AIT or "summer camp"...it is combat, where your mission is to kill before being killed...if you think this is about equality, then you are misinformed
Women have the same rights as other people of this country. They should not have to be told that they won't be respected because the men think they are not able to do it. If women want to protect their country's freedom why should it be an issue. Women are not stupid sometimes they are smarter, but only on occasion. they need to be given the same amount of respect as the men who fight for our country. The armed forces should be happy that there are people that are willing to do the job.
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