Sunday, March 30, 2008

Should Hillary Clinton drop Out?

That question should incite a passionate debate among bloggers to start off the 4th nine week grading period with a bang!

Here's the article:

When commenting, please tell us whether or not Senator Clinton should drop out of the Democratic presidential nomination contest or if she should stay in it, especially since it appears she's about to win a big state, Pennsylvania. Then tell us why you're right.

Remember to be civil and respectful of each other's opinions!


Anonymous said...

Bonjour, Mrs. Stotler! I'm siked that I was the one who posted the most last 9 weeks! At least I got something over Robert, oui? Okay, I think that Clinton should stay in the contest because it's a free country, of course. Some people look up to her views and really want a woman president to lead this country. She should stay in because she wants to, because she has a passion to complete her dream. It's not like our opinions are going to make her drop out anyway. So what if she has a large state on her side, even if she had a handful of states on her side, if she still had the passion to win, then she should go for it. Everyone deserves a chance to have a go at something they really want. This is her chance. Why should we ruin it?
~West Portland Embassador (Just a stab at Cory, even though he cannot see it.)

Anonymous said...

Yes. The reason Hillary shou;d drop out now is so the Democratic party will be unified. Right now She is to busy fighting with Obama and the campaign is becoming a personal battle and the are not interested in doing what is right. By dragging this out till November this is only going to help the Republican party since we already know who the person is running for President. Bubby

Anonymous said...

Shame on the Democratic party for trying to pick the best candidate for their party and practicing the process of democracy...let them fight and squabble while McCain takes the lead and wins the presidency because I like old white men who have gone from being somewhat respectable people to selling out all previous moral values just to appease the national party. Look at this way..we'd have 2 presidents in 4 years if Hillary stayed in and McCain won..wouldn't that be awesome!? McCain '08 and his VP for President in 2010!

Just doesn't matter if Hillary stays in or not just as long as the nominee is the one the people voted for...either Obama or Hillary are better than McCain.

Anonymous said...

She can still do what's right. She's fighting against him for what she believes in, it's something she is passionate in. If she's passive and he wins, then her views and values won't be considered, but if she wins, it's her whole life, and she has power. I think it's natural to be fighting against your opponent.
~Embassador H.B

Ms. Stotler said...

I LOVE it when I get opposing viewpoints fighting it out right here on the blog! Congrats to those of you who are participating. I may have mentioned this in class, but did you know that in 9 of the last 10 presidential elections, the party that has nominated its candidate first has ultimately won the election. If that's true, and the Democrats want to WIN in November, I believe that's a point for Bubby's argument that the sooner the Democrats nominate somebody, the more likely they will prevail in the general election. Sorry Hillary backers!

Anonymous said...

Heck No !!!! Hang in there girl. If she drops out it will prove what america has been trying to prove forever now. "That women can't handle it" I believe that that's what obama is trying to do..see just how much she can take.They want her to get emotional and give up cause she is his biggest comp. she's the first women to run for president and for that she has strenght! I believe in her and I don't judge her for the things she's said and the way she has acted cause I know that it must be really hard for her and I believe she meens well!! So no I dont think she should drop out she should hold her head high and go for it cause she'll get it I know it!!!