Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tech Czar

Barack Obama is being hailed as the most tech savvy president we've ever elected. So perhaps it's not surprising that he has a plan to appoint the first national chief technology officer ever. The article at the link below is co-written by Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia. First, read the article:

Then, respond to one or more of the following questions:

Do you think it's a good idea for the U.S. to have a CTO (Chief Technology Officer)? Why/why not?

Based on Jimmy Wales ideas, what the goal(s) of the CTO be? How would these goals benefit Americans and American society?

Do you think it's possible for the CTO position to be "non-political" as Jimmy Wales suggests? Why/why not?


Anonymous said...

honestly, i dont understand why people are making such a big contraversy over Obama's new ideas for our nation. For one, he will be the president and has the right to appoint his people. Secondly, "we the people" chose Obama for our president knowing the fact he's a Democrat, which the party is for pro-change. We are in the millenium of technology and though some people may disagreeing with this fact, there is not much they can do about it because it;s not their generation to be worried about. The future will decide which is to happen. Whether Obama chooses to appoint a National Cheif Technology Officer or not the world is in for change whether we may like it or not. I could care less for the whole debate with this subject, but people should of known what they were in for when they choose president-elect Obama.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i do agree with Obama. As a country we have scientifically progressed. We have made so many technological advances in the past century as well. I believe it's good decision and i think it's a decision that only our presedent can make. You have to give him credit though even if Yu dont agree with the tech cheif; he is already starting to full-fill his promise for change.